Those phone numbers can be found in the following cities or locations: Quebec - QC.
Area code 418 is one of the original 86 area codes created by AT&T and the Bell System in 1947. It originally served the eastern half of Quebec including Québec City. In 2008, area code 581 was created as an overlay to area code 418. To avoid exhausting all possible phone numbers in this area code, relief planning has begun, but it has been . Currently, the largest city it serves is Quebec, QC, and it overlaps coverage areas with area codes 367 and 581.
Related phone operators in Area Code 418: Allstream Inc., Bell Canada, Bell Mobility, Distributel, Fibernetics Corporation, Fido Solutions Inc., ISP Telecom, IVIC Telecom s.e.n.c, Iristel Inc., La Cie de Telephone de Courcelles Inc., La Compagnie de Telephone de Lambton Inc., La Compagnie de Telephone de St-Victor, Le Telephone de St-Ephrem Inc, Rogers Communications Partnership (Cable), Rogers Communications Partnership (Wireless), Sogetel Inc., TELUS Mobility, TELUS Quebec, Telebec Ltee., Telecommunications Xittel Inc, Videotron General Partnership.
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