Those phone numbers can be found in the following cities or locations: Ontario - ON.
519 is the area code which covers most of southwestern Ontario, Canada. It was introduced in 1953 from portions of area code 416 and 613. In 1957, parts of 519 and 613 formed area code 705. Area code 226 overlays the area, making 10-digit dialing mandatory.
Related phone operators in Area Code 519: Allstream Inc., Amtelecom Limited Partnership, Bell Canada, Bell Mobility, Brooke Telecom Co-operative Ltd., Bruce Municipal Telephone System, Execulink Telecom Inc., Fibernetics Corporation, Fido Solutions Inc., Gosfield North Communication Co-operative Ltd, Hay Communications Co-operative ltd., Huron Telecommunications Co-operative Ltd., ISP Telecom, Iristel Inc., Managed Network Systems Inc., Mornington Communications Co-operative Ltd., People's Tel Limited Partnership, Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc., Quadro Communications Co-operative Inc., Rogers Communications Partnership (Cable), Rogers Communications Partnership (Wireless), TELUS Integrated Communications, TELUS Mobility, Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Ltd., Wightman Communications Ltd., Wightman Telephone Ltd..
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