U.S. phone book and reverse search for spam calls

Alaska - AK Complaints Phone Numbers

About Alaska - AK

Alaska is located on the northwestern tip of the North American continent, bordering Canada to the east and the Arctic Ocean, the Bering Sea and the North Pacific on three sides. The state has 17 of the 20 highest mountains in the United States, and the 6,194-meter McKinley peak is the highest peak in North America. Most of the world's active glaciers are in the state of AZ, and the largest of the Malaspina glaciers is 5,703 km2. The state covers an area of 1,717,854km2, accounting for 20% of the country's total area. It is the largest state in the United States.

General information

  • Capital: Juneau
  • State: Alaska
  • Largest city: Anchorage
  • Area: 1,717,854km²
  • Population: 737,438 (2018)
  • Website: http://alaska.gov
  • Latitude:: 51°20'N to 71°50'N
  • Longitude: 130°W to 172°E

Alaska contains the following city code


Numbers with currently high activity

Report (spam) phone number

Here, you can report the phone number and see if it is a legitimate call, message or spam.

  • ● Received a suspicious call (maybe spam)?
  • ● Received a suspected scam call or is already a victim of a scam call?
  • ● Do you suspect this may be a ping call?