U.S. phone book and reverse search for spam calls

New Jersey - NJ Complaints Phone Numbers

About New Jersey - NJ

New Jersey is the fourth-largest and most densely populated state in the United States. Its state is known as "Garden State." The American East is also known as the New State. New Jersey is usually divided into the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States, a state in the east, or a Northeast region. New Jersey is bordered by New York State in the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the east, Delaware to the south, and Pennsylvania to the west. Parts of New Jersey are divided into several major metropolitan areas, of which the New York metropolitan area is the largest, with Philadelphia and the Delaware Gorge area.

General information

  • Capital: Trenton
  • State: New Jersey
  • Largest city: Newark
  • Area: 8,722.58 sq mi (22,591.38 km2)
  • Population: 8,958,013
  • Website: http://www.nj.gov
  • Latitude:: 38° 56′ N to 41° 21′ N
  • Longitude: 73° 54′ W to 75° 34′ W

New Jersey contains the following city code

New Jersey

Numbers with currently high activity

Report (spam) phone number

Here, you can report the phone number and see if it is a legitimate call, message or spam.

  • ● Received a suspicious call (maybe spam)?
  • ● Received a suspected scam call or is already a victim of a scam call?
  • ● Do you suspect this may be a ping call?