U.S. phone book and reverse search for spam calls

New York - NY Complaints Phone Numbers

About New York - NY

Located on the Atlantic coast in southeastern New York, the city is the largest city in the United States and the largest port in the world. It is the world's largest city, and is known as the "Nylonkong" in London, England and Hong Kong. As of 2017, New York City has a total area of 1214.4 square kilometers and a population of about 8.51 million, living on 789 square kilometers of land. The New York metropolitan area has about 20 million people, ranking second in the world after Tokyo, Mexico City and Mumbai. New York also has a huge influence on business and finance. New York's financial district is dominated by Lower Manhattan and Wall Street, and is known as the world's financial center. Of the Fortune 500 companies, 56 are headquartered in New York. Manhattan's Chinatown is the most densely concentrated Chinese community in the Western Hemisphere. New York also has prestigious universities such as Columbia University, New York University, and Rockefeller University.

General information

  • Capital: New York
  • State: New York
  • Largest city: New York
  • Area: 468.484 sq mi (1,213.37 km2)
  • Population: 8,550,405
  • Website: https://www.ny.gov
  • Latitude:: 40° 30′ N to 45° 1′ N
  • Longitude: 71° 51′ W to 79° 46′ W

New York contains the following city code

New York

Numbers with currently high activity

Report (spam) phone number

Here, you can report the phone number and see if it is a legitimate call, message or spam.

  • ● Received a suspicious call (maybe spam)?
  • ● Received a suspected scam call or is already a victim of a scam call?
  • ● Do you suspect this may be a ping call?