U.S. phone book and reverse search for spam calls

Washington - WA Complaints Phone Numbers

About Washington - WA

Washington State is a state located in the northwestern United States. The state capital is Olympia and the largest city is Seattle. Washington State is bordered by British Columbia in the north, Oregon in the south, Idaho in the east, and the Pacific Ocean in the west. The state was named after George Washington, the first president of the United States, and joined the Federation on November 11, 1889, becoming the 42nd state of the United States. Agriculture and forestry in Washington State are highly developed, and manufacturing and high-tech industries are also important industries. The state not only owns Boeing's production line, but Microsoft and Amazon also have their headquarters in Washington State.

General information

  • Capital: Olympia
  • State: Washington
  • Largest city: Seattle
  • Area: 71,362 sq mi (184,827 km2)
  • Population: 7,170,351
  • Website: http://access.wa.gov
  • Latitude:: 45°  33′ N to 49° N
  • Longitude: 116°  55′ W to 124°  46′ W

Washington contains the following city code


Numbers with currently high activity

Report (spam) phone number

Here, you can report the phone number and see if it is a legitimate call, message or spam.

  • ● Received a suspicious call (maybe spam)?
  • ● Received a suspected scam call or is already a victim of a scam call?
  • ● Do you suspect this may be a ping call?